Editorial Reply: Toll road truths

Alamo RMA's Bill Thornton responds to Terri Hall's comments

SAN ANTONIO – Take an objective look at how our state funds transportation and you quickly realize what we have been doing isn't sustainable.
Inflation, debt and maintenance have chewed up the gas tax;
It used to be that only Dallas and Houston used tolling to fill the funding gap.
Now Austin, Tyler, El Paso and the Rio Grande Valley have toll projects.
It's easy to put sound bites out as Ms. Hall does, but it does not address the facts or solutions.
The truth is without additional funding options, we are going to slip behind other cities in attracting new jobs, new business, and new residents.
The needs in our community are more than just fixing one roadway. Yes, 281 has congestion, and so does 1604, IH 35 and IH 10.
The truth is no one wants to pay more in taxes, but no one wants to waste hours stuck in congestion.
The truth is you will always have a choice between a toll lane and a non-toll lane in each corridor.
The truth is tolling is used throughout the state, throughout the country, to help address traffic needs without having to wait on Austin or Washington, D.C., to fix our problems for us.

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