Educators, parents, students take agenda to Austin for Lobby Day

SAN ANTONIO – About 200 educators, parents and students from across Bexar County are joining thousands of others at the state capitol Monday for Lobby Day.

They're taking their ideas to lawmakers, face-to-face.

Shelley Potter, president of the San Antonio Alliance of Teachers and Support Personnel, said school funding is at the top of the agenda.

"There's $11 billion in the rainy day fund, and it's raining both literally and figuratively, and so it's time for the legislators to step up and fund our schools for our children," Potter said.

The group is also getting specific about where they want that money spent, on community schools, which provide wrap-around services for students and their families.

"We'll be contrasting community schools with an approach that does not work which is the privatization of public schools, through vouchers and corporate charters," Potter said.

Another topic they're taking taking to Austin is what they call the misuse of high-stakes, standardized testing.

"We can have accountability, but not have the system that's totally stressing out our students," Potter said.

The group believes their unique perspective on the ground in schools is one lawmakers need to hear.

"To talk to them about how the funding is impacting on our schools. The loss of librarians, the loss of counselors, the loss of instructional support personnel, the loss of teachers in some districts," said Potter.

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