Joaquin Castro calls for removal of Confederate statues from UT campus

SAN ANTONIO – U.S. Representative Joaquin Castro extended his support to a group of students at the University of Texas who are asking the school to remove four Confederate statues from the Austin campus.

"I think people feel it's time to put it in the past," Representative Castro said. "We understand that it's part of this country's past and history, but the proper place for that is in a museum, not in a prominent place on a public university's campus."

He called the statues divisive and said it is time they are removed.

He also said the Confederate flag should be moved away from campuses and into museums where they can be seen in context, and not as something that is celebrated today.

Castro's statements came as support grows across the country to remove the Confederate flag and other Confederate Civil War imagery from public spaces.

This article was contributed by KSAT intern Jacob Schmidt.

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