Who is Bill Weld, Republican candidate for president?

President Trump has Republican challenger for 2020 primary election

President Donald Trump actually does have a challenger for the Republican Party nomination in the 2020 presidential election.

It's not often incumbent presidential candidates have serious challengers from their own party in the primary, but Weld is giving it a go against Trump after announcing on April 15 he is seeking the Republican nomination for president in 2020.

While the list of Democratic candidates continues to grow, Weld is the first Republican candidate to throw his hat in the ring and challenge Trump, the incumbent who said he would seek reelection as soon as he took office for his first term in 2017.

The 73-year-old Weld served as the governor of Massachusetts from 1991-97 and was a figure in the 2016 presidential election, serving as the running mate for presidential candidate Gary Johnson on the Libertarian ticket.

This year, Weld returned to the Republican Party and said his objective is to beat Trump, not weaken him during the primary.


Click here to see more news about Bill Weld.


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Keith is a member of Graham Media Group's Digital Content Team, which produces content for all the company's news websites.

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