Big Adventure April: NIOSA

The SA Live team takes on A Night in Old San Antonio

SAN ANTONIO – When it's Fiesta, we party at NIOSA! 

NIOSA, Night in Old San Antonio, is one of the main attractions during Fiesta.

NIOSA is more than 70 years old. It was known as the "Indian Festival" in 1938 and six years later it was renamed the "River Festival".

In 1948 it became "A Night in Old San Antonio" and back then it was only a one night celebration.

Thankfully, in 1958 it finally became the four night party that we all know and love!

Throughout these nights you get to enjoy the music, some great drinks and A LOT of tasty food!

You can eat things like corn in the cup, chicken on a stick and fried jalapenos.

This outdoor celebration brings everyone to the heart of downtown to celebrate this city's diverse culture while having the time of their lives.

But, let's not forget the reason for this fun festive party:

"NIOSA is the top fundraiser for historic preservation in the nation and truly lives up to its motto as a “Celebration for Preservation.” Funds raised enable the Conservation Society to continue its mission of preserving historic buildings, objects, places and customs relating to the history of Texas and all that is admirably distinctive to the state. Out of the roughly $1.4 million netted at NIOSA, proceeds support restoration and preservation of historic properties and parks throughout the city, as well as education and advocacy programs and projects such as the Heritage Education tours, seminars, community tours, scholarships, the resource library and the house museums."

So let's keep partying on and help preserve and grow our city! 

For more information on NIOSA you can click here


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