The man who can make art out of ANYTHING

SAN ANTONIORob The Original

Rob the Original is a traveling artist with many talents. He can make beautiful art out of anything, as seen in his amazing sugar skull piece made completely out of gunpowder!
Rob is a barber, tattoo artist and free-hand artist. His philosophy is he can use anything as a canvas.
His words of advice to aspiring artists:  Put yourself out there! Social media makes sharing art easy and he feels artists should never be afraid to share their creations with the world.
Rob serves as an international educator and travels all around the world sharing his talents. He says he is grateful for the opportunity to inspire people to express themselves through art. His favorite recollection of his traveling is when he visited Brazil and saw children as young as 8 years old doing art with hairstyles.
For more on Rob the Original, check him out on Instagram , Twitter and Facebook !

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