4 tips for beginner runners

By Pure Matters

Editor's Note: Today we're thrilled to bring you another guest post from Amanda Brooks, of Run to the Finish. As an experienced runner, she's got a few pointers to help out those of you who are just about to take that first step toward running. Read on! ~Meredith

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When we first start running, it's scary so we call ourselves joggers. The label "jogger" feels less intimidating and means it's OK if we need to take a walk break or if we are slower than the rest of the group or if we can't even make it to the end of the block. The truth is that by lacing up your shoes and putting one foot in front of the other you are declaring to the world that you are a runner.

Running isn't about speed.
Running isn't about PRs.
Running isn't about how far you go.

Running is a process and one that you should definitely enjoy by allowing yourself to go on a journey. You don't have to run three miles on day one, you just have to put one foot in front of the other and then do it again tomorrow.

Now that you understand my philosophy on running, here are a few more tips to help you on the journey!

No. 1: Walk First

When you are starting out, always walk before you run. Literally warm up to every run with at least a half mile of walking. Then take walk breaks while you run to allow you to get in more time running. Over time you will decrease the breaks, but always keep the warm up.

No. 2: Make Friends

Many people are afraid to join a running group because they might be the slowest person there. As a member of over nine clubs in many cities I can tell you there are always walkers, there are always super stars and everyone is happy to have you there. If you happen upon an unfriendly group, high tail it out of there and find another one. Nothing will keep you showing up for runs like having friends or even acquaintance who expect you to be there.

No. 3: Invest in Great Gear

Get some good running socks and good running shoes! Heading to a local running store will give you a chance to find out what type of shoe will help you prevent injuries and as an added benefit it will make you feel more like a runner. Next up are socks … running socks are expensive but any runner will tell you we learned the hard way how very important they are for preventing blisters and keeping feet happy. As winter approaches, you'll also want to also invest in some good dry fit gear for winter running. It makes going out completely bearable (and just think how hard core it makes you!).

No. 4: Smile!

Fake it til you make it, right? Even in running when you force yourself to smile, I guarantee it will lift your spirits. Take a moment to look around you and enjoy the fresh air, the sunshine and the fact that you are making this choice.

After running for nine years, five marathons, too many half marathons and 10Ks to count, I can tell you all of these tips still apply.

Running is a journey!

Just put one foot in front of the other and see where it takes you.

Source: Pure Matters

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