Scholar Athlete: Samuel Carter, Harlan High School

SAN ANTONIOWhat are you most excited about for your senior year and why?

The thing I am most excited about for my senior year is leaving behind a legacy at my school that will hopefully be carried on for years to come. This is what I am most excited about because if I can positively inspire a community to do great things, I would hope that they would live their best lives and spread that same inspiration to others that need it as well.

What drives you to be successful in the classroom and in your particular sport?

There are two things that drive me the most to be successful in the classroom and on the field.

The first thing that helps me be successful is my passion for what I do. Everything I commit to,  I try to have the mentality to make the best out of every opportunity I am given so I can be the best person I can possibly be.

The second thing that derives me to be successful are the people in my life. Whenever I have low moments in life I have a strong support group made up of family, friends, and friends who are family that all help me get back up on my feet and attack life again. Even when these people aren't physically there to come to my aid, the thought that they are proud of me no matter what and the fact that what I do is bigger than just myself helps me press on as well.

What advice would you give other student athletes on how to succeed on the field, in the classroom and remain close to family?

In order to be successful on the field you must be have the focus and dedication to train day in and day out all to be at the top of your game. Not only do you need this focus and dedication but you will also need to have mentality that is highly competitive with others but at the same time does not compare yourself yourself to others and stays focused on your own personal improvement.

The same two things can be said in the classroom as well. The classroom is the place where you exercise your mind in order to obtain intellect and the same focus and dedication you use on the field should also be applied to your education in order to have a higher chance at bigger opportunities in your life past sports.

More important than education and athletics is your family. The way you keep your family close to you is by giving them some time out if your day whenever you can and by keeping them informed about what is going on in your life. As important as it is to work towards your future, it is even more important you show love towards those who are there for you in the present.
What do you like best about the high school you attend?

The thing I like best about the school I attend are the people. My high school, Harlan High School, has only been open for two years now but so much progress has been made. In these short two years Harlan has achieved much athletic and academic success that is unheard of for new schools. I believe this success is nothing but a testament to all the special people who brought all their different backgrounds into one school and made it something great.
Where do you want to attend college, major in and why?

I would like to attend Abilene Christian University and major in electrical engineering. I am interested in Abilene Christian University because they offer a unique community experience that weaves everyone together as family. Alongside side the community, I also hope to stay connected with my faith in college by attending a religiously affiliated school. I would like to major in electrical engineering as well because the world of electronics is a booming industry with plenty to offer and engineering utilizes a lot of math which I love to do.

If you could have one superhero power, what would it be and why?

If I could have one superhero power it would be super speed. With super speed, I would be fast enough to almost be everywhere at once so I could perform multiple tasks throughout my day that would not only be helping myself but I would also be helpful to other people around me.

If you could take any athlete or celebrity to your senior prom, who would it be and why?

If I could take any athlete to prom I would take Russell Wilson as my friend. The reason I would choose Russell Wilson is because he is strong leader who also seems to make things fun for those around him as he leads. I would like to learn what things make him a great leader and see how he interacts in an environment with other people off the field and hopefully learn something about leadership from the experience.

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