Free Wi-Fi added to 10 SA city parks

SAN ANTONIO – A major tech addition is coming to 10 city parks.

City leaders were on hand at Palm Heights Park on Monday for the unveiling of free community Wi-Fi.

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It’s part of San Antonio's Smart City Program.

The program worked to help improve transportation, sustainability and digitally connected living.

"We know that having access to broadband is an important part in today's world. And we wanted to make that easier for people who may not have broadband access in the home,” innovation manager for the city Catherine Tkachyk said. “Our libraries have Wi-Fi free already, we also have some free Wi-Fi downtown, and we're expanding that here in our parks."

The addition comes just in time for the city's summer youth program, in which thousands of kids will participate.

Now that there's Wi-Fi, the kids will get to take part in a website scavenger hunt along with other web-based games in parks.

Note the Wi-Fi will only be available while the parks and community centers are open.


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About the Authors

Diana Winters is a San Antonio-area native, Emmy award-winning and GLAAD-nominated journalist who loves the Alamo City. She is the executive producer of SA Live, creator of South Texas PRIDE and co-creator of Texas Eats.

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