San Antonio Food Bank pledges to increase efforts to curb childhood obesity

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Food Bank and Partnership for a Healthier America are working to curb childhood obesity.

Eric Cooper, president and CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank, recently traveled to Washington, D.C., for the Building a Healthier Future Summit.

Officials made a pledge to expand the food bank's efforts by 15 percent in three strategic areas related to childhood obesity over the next three years.

That means increasing distribution of fresh fruit and vegetables to feed food-insecure households, increasing meals served to children who struggle with hunger while they are out of school and expanding nutrition and gardening education.

"The long-term effects of eating on the cheap cause high rates of diabetes, heart disease, even obesity,” Cooper said.

The Food Bank helps about 58,000 people a week. People can donate by giving food, money, time or spreading its message through social media.

Link to donate:


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About the Author

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

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