Community hosts surprise parade after 7-year-old’s birthday party was canceled due to social distancing

Community Surprises 7-Year-Old Girl with Birthday Parade

HOUSTON – This is how you throw the best social distancing birthday party for a girl turning seven years old during the coronavirus crisis.

A special day for Quinn Stoebner was sidetracked after local officials limited social gatherings to less than 10 people this week.

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Meaning the big party Quinn’s family was planning was no longer an option.

“Quinn was very worried," her mother, Michele Stoebner, said. "She had actually written a couple of letters in the last few days about how this was the worst birthday ever. We were all trying to figure out a way to make it memorable at least even if it’s not what we’re used to.”

Despite not being able to physically all get together though, the community rallied together in a special way to make sure it would still be a day Quinn would never forget.

Family and friends frantically organized a surprise parade Saturday morning that would pass right in front of Quinn's home.

With Quinn sitting on her front lawn, several people drove down the street with posters in hand and sang, “Happy Birthday."

“I was really surprised. I was really excited to see all of my friends,” she said.

"The entire community and everybody who knows her from lots of different worlds showed up for her which means a lot to me as a mom," said Michele.

While it wasn’t exactly the birthday party that was planned to begin with, the meaning was certainly all the same. There was a smile on everyone’s face.

“It was amazing, I’m not going to lie. I’ve been almost in tears at times. I’ve had multiple neighbors and other moms that have texted me and said we’re in tears just because we’re almost in the same boat at this point,” Michele said.

About the Author

Galveston-born, award-winning journalist, dog owner, foodie & occasional golfer.

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