Here’s what to do if you see a snake around your home or get bitten by one

Craig Pelke with San Antonio Zoo shares some tips on how to avoid snakes popping up around your home

If you’ve seeing more snakes around your home or garden lately, you’re not alone.

Recent rains and cooler temperatures are bring snakes out of hiding, Craig Pelke, the director of animal care ECTO-THERMS at the San Antonio Zoo said.

“It feels good for them, they can be more active during more parts of the day, including day and night,” Pelke said. “When it gets really hot out, then they’re just relegated to staying out at night when it’s cooler.”

Pelke said if you do see a snake, the best thing to do is give them some space as they want to be left alone.

If you do that, they are completely harmless whether they are venomous or not.

But what happens of you do come across one or get bitten?

“Stay calm,” Pelke said.

“When we’re not calm and we’re getting all riled up, we tend not to think so well. Give them space, identify what it is and you’re going to be fine,” Pelke said.

If you’re trying to avoid snakes, try these simple tips.

First, take a look at your yard.

Get rid of excess leaves, debris, high grass and trim up your shrubs.

If you eliminate that, snakes most likely won’t want to hang around.

When it comes to getting bit, Pelke said you will see the outline of the snake’s jaw or multiple little holes if it is non-venomous.

All you have to do to treat it is wash it out with soap and water.

If you get bitten by a venomous snake, Pelke said to “dial 9-1-1 and stay calm and sit still and let them come to you. You do have time. If you get bit by a venomous snake, it’s not a thing you want to race around because that actually expedites the venom.”

He says a very clear way to identify if you are in serious danger is if your bite has two distinct holes.

Fortunately, if you do get bitten by a venomous snake, there is anti-venom that covers multiple species, called Polyvalent, available locally.

About the Authors

Roslyn Jimenez is a news producer at KSAT. Before joining the team, she was a producer and video editor at KIII-TV and a radio intern in Corpus Christi. She graduated from Del Mar College with an Associate's degree in political science and liberal arts. Roslyn is family-oriented and loves spending time with her fiancé and chihuahua Paco.

Gaby has been a news producer since 2019. She graduated from the University of North Texas with a Media Arts degree and previously worked at KIII-TV in Corpus Christi.

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