New initiative aims to build San Antonio's workforce

GED and Connect campaign launched Thursday

SAN ANTONIO – A new initiative aims to build San Antonio's workforce and provide expanded opportunities for better jobs.

On Thursday morning, representatives from Alamo Colleges, the San Antonio Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and GED Testing Services launched the GED and Connect campaign.

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It aims to rally the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, community members, community organizations and businesses to help adults who don't have a high school diploma to get one.

The goal is to increase the number of people in Bexar County who earn a GED certificate by 20 percent within a year. They also want to increase the number of GED grads who enter local college education and training programs by 15 percent.

"We want to make sure that these individuals have a sustainable lifestyle, that the quality of life is increased, that they can earn a good wage, have a shot of getting into college, getting a higher degree," said Rafael Diaz, director of engagement for the GED Testing Service.

One in five adults in the state and the county lacks a high school diploma.


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About the Author

Troy Blevins is a Digital Content Editor who has been with Graham Media Group since 2012.

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