Officials prepare for release of Alamo Master Plan design

Public meeting 6 p.m. Tuesday at Convention Center

SAN ANTONIO – Representatives from the Texas General Land Office, the city of San Antonio and the Alamo Endowment are preparing to release the Alamo Master Plan Design during a public meeting Tuesday night at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center.

The Alamo draws people from near and far, including Mareo Zeledon, who is from Costa Rica.

"It's an amazing, historic place and we're going to try to see if we go inside, see what's going on with it and how it's taken care of," Zeledon said.

The historical significance is exactly what Alamo Endowment executive director Becky Dinnin said planners are trying to preserve, so generations of tourists and locals alike can enjoy the site.

"This is going to really transform San Antonio," Dinnin said. "This will really change how we think, but also how we interact with the Alamo."

One major transformation we can expect by 2024 was announced in November. The Alamo Redevelopment Plan includes shutting down traffic on Alamo Street from Houston Street to Market Street, and on Crockett Street, from the Menger Hotel to Losoya Street. Also in the works is moving the Cenotaph to a more appropriate location.

"We need to figure out how to be able to show all of our visitors and our community that there's much more to the Alamo than just the church and just the long barracks and be able to show the whole mission footprint, so those are the ideas you're going to see tonight," Dinnin said.

Some tourism businesses are expected to leave to allow the creation of a visitor center and museum. The businesses across from River Center Mall can stay, however, and Dinnin expects they'll get even more foot traffic in the future.

Throughout the entire Master Plan process, officials have been seeking public input. Although renderings couldn't be provided ahead of the meeting, they will be posted here.

Tuesday night's public meeting is at 6 p.m. in room 217 at the convention center. There will be another meeting on Tuesday, April 18, in room 225.


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