Easy reading, spelling exercises for kids

SAN ANTONIO – If you have a child who struggles with dyslexia, they may be discouraged and not want to practice reading. 

However, there are ways to help smart but struggling kids break free from their learning disabilities.

Rafael Scarnati, with Learning Foundations, explained a few quick and easy exercises that you can do with your children, whether they have learning disabilities or are struggling with reading. These exercises encourage kids to use all of their senses to aid with memorization.

“Kids with dyslexia have very good memory for things that are logical and for things that are learned in a multi-sensory way,” Scarnati said. That’s why exercises that engage multiple senses work so well.

Some of these simple exercises ask kids to visualize a difficult-to-spell word in their mind, saying each letter of a word out loud, and writing out the word on a surface such as sand where they can see each letter.

These types of memorization exercises help children who struggle with reading improve their skills and increase their confidence in reading, writing, and spelling.

To see all the exercises demonstrated, watch this Learning Foundations clip from SA Live.

For more resources for parents of children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia, call 1-844-TX-LEARN or visit LearningFoundations.com.




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