City Council approves forced pet sterilizations, bigger fines for repeat offenders in San Antonio
Read full article: City Council approves forced pet sterilizations, bigger fines for repeat offenders in San AntonioCouncil members' approval is needed before the city can raise fines for repeat offenders or begin sterilizing dogs before they are returned to their owners.
ACS plans forced sterilizations, anonymous dangerous dog complaints, and bigger fines for repeat offenders
Read full article: ACS plans forced sterilizations, anonymous dangerous dog complaints, and bigger fines for repeat offendersAnimal Care Services wants to have less bark and more bite when it comes to tackling San Antonio’s loose and dangerous dog problem.
Council members want more ‘equity’ in senior assistance program to prevent code violations
Read full article: Council members want more ‘equity’ in senior assistance program to prevent code violationsDistricts 2, 3, 4, and 5 - which comprise most of the city’s East, South, and West Sides - are already through the $10,000 set aside for each of their residents. Councilwoman Phyllis Viagran (D3) even added another $5,000 of her district's discretionary funds to stretch it further.
San Antonio plans to make ‘bad actor’ apartment landlords pay for extra code enforcement inspections
Read full article: San Antonio plans to make ‘bad actor’ apartment landlords pay for extra code enforcement inspectionsInstead of waiting for new complaints about the same old properties, the City of San Antonio plans to send code enforcement officers out to proactively look for issues and make the landlords of the troubled properties help foot the bill.
Demand for action on San Antonio noise ordinance could impact entertainment venues
Read full article: Demand for action on San Antonio noise ordinance could impact entertainment venuesThe City of San Antonio is considering a pilot program that would send code enforcement officers with SAPD officers responding to noise complaint calls, the effort is a way to take a look at the noise issues that are plaguing homeowners.