Show us your furry friend for National Dog Day on Aug. 26

Submit your photos & we could share them on air!

Producer Alyssa Medina's dogs, Timmy (left) and Cosmo (right). (KSAT 12)

National Dog Day is on Friday, Aug. 26, and we dog moms and dads could use any excuse to show off photos of our furry friends.

Submit your photo and a sentence or two about your pup below for a chance to be featured on air!

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KSAT News Now will share some of the photos on Friday while journalists Alicia Barrera and RJ Marquez visit the San Antonio Humane Society to celebrate the national holiday.

Here’s how you can tune in to the segment starting at 11 a.m. on Friday:

Submit your photos below

About the Author

A San Antonio native currently in her dream job as the executive producer behind KSAT special programming like Fiesta parades, Dia De Los Muertos and the Rodeo special. When she's not prepping for these productions, she's helping run KSAT's social media channels.

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