SAN ANTONIO – AAA Texas released safety recommendations for San Antonio and surrounding areas before winter weather is expected to arrive on Monday evening.
Car safety:
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- Check all lights on the vehicle to make sure they are still working properly
- Replace old windshield wipers
- Check the air pressure in all four tires
- Check tire tread
- The tire tread can be checked by using a quarter. If the top of George Washington’s head can be seen on the quarter, then the tire tread is too low.
“There are a lot of vehicles out there people are driving with too little tread on those tires and, if you think about that, that’s like if you’re driving with bald tires,” AAA Texas spokesperson Doug Shupe said. “That’s just a recipe for disaster.”
- It is best not to heat a vehicle in an enclosed space. Heating a vehicle indoors can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Have an emergency roadside kit:
- Jumper cables
- Warning lights to let people know you are stopped/stuck
- Extra winter clothing (Jackets, hats, gloves, etc.)
- Bottled water
- Phone charger
- Drive the speed limit or slower
- Give plenty of distance between yourself and other cars
- Don’t use cruise control on wet/icy pavements
Slick spots:
When coming across a slick spot, AAA Texas reminds drivers to stay calm and not to panic.
“Make sure that you remain calm, continue to look in, steer in the direction that you want that vehicle to go until it comes out of that skidding situation,” Shupe said. “What you don’t want to do is slam on the brakes. That’s going to only further cause the vehicle to lose control and potentially cause you to spin out.”
While driving on the roadways, be cautious of semi-trucks and 18-wheelers.
Larger vehicles like these are typically seen jackknifed during icy conditions. Shupe said that is mostly due to other cars on the road.
“Many times that happens because those larger commercial vehicles were cut off by another driver and they can’t stop on a dime as quickly,” said Shupe.
For more information on AAA Texas’ winter safety/preparation tips, click here.