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List of Bexar County deputy, detention officer suspensions (last names A-E)

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The list below shows Bexar County sheriff's deputy and detention officer suspensions from January 2013 to the present for last names that range from the letters A to E.

Individuals with more than one suspension are denoted by bullet points below their name for each suspension.

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Adams, Adelaida (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Aldana, Andres (agreed to 45 day suspension)
Alvarado, Abel
Alvarez, Rita


Bacon, Freddie (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Bedia, Gilbert

Bermudez, Ricardo

Bryan, Elton (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Bui, Hieu
Burchell, Chris (agreed to 3 day suspension)
Burnip, Randy (agreed to 3 day suspension)
Busby, Wendell (agreed to 2 day suspension)
Butler, Marshall (agreed to 1 day suspension)


Calva, Steven

Campbell, Charles (agreed to 5 day suspension)
Castillo, Adrian

Castillo, Angelina
Chesser, Elizabeth
Colon, Gina

Combe, Henry (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Contreras, Lorenzo
Coronado, Dominic (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Cuellar, Fernando


Dawson, Francis (agreed to 1 1/2 day suspension)
De Luna, Jesus (agreed to 1 day suspension)
Diaz, Nicholas


Enz, William
Espino, Eric (agreed to 5 day suspension)
Espinoza, Edward (agreed to 5 day suspension)
Espinoza, William (agreed to 4 day suspension)
Estep, Adam

To view more suspensions by last name, click the links below.




