
Food Bank launches coronavirus preparedness and prevention campaign

The goal is to supply 300,000 households with food and supplies

SAN ANTONIO – The San Antonio Food Bank is launching a coronavirus preparedness and prevention campaign.

The goal is to supply 300,000 low-income households with a 14-day supply of food and a coronavirus preparedness kit, according to a press release from the food bank.

The 14-day supply of food would consist largely of items in the food bank’s “12 Most Wanted” food donation list, including things like rice, beans, pasta, soups, canned meats, canned vegetables, canned fruit, diapers and pet food. The coronavirus preparedness kit will have hand sanitizer, cleaning disinfectant and other items, the press release said.

The campaign kicks off Thursday and will last for a month.

During the campaign, the food bank hopes to raise $1,500,000, or the equivalent of 15,000,000 pounds of food and supplies. The food bank is asking the public to make contributions on the food bank’s website.

The food bank is also looking for volunteers. You can get information on how to give or volunteer on the San Antonio Food Bank’s website.

“When your pantry is empty and your bank account is near zero, it’s impossible to plan for something like a regional flu outbreak. Fear can motivate all of us to take action in a time like this, but not all of us can afford the resources to prepare and prevent. We need to get ahead of the challenge and get our families secure and ready," said Eric Cooper, President and CEO of the San Antonio Food Bank.

While emergency officials and community leaders warn against hoarding food and supplies, the CDC, the American Red Cross, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency have all recommended that everyone have a home emergency preparedness kit in preparation of any emergency -- whether that be a coronavirus quarantine, a natural disaster like a hurricane, flood or fire, or even a terrorist attack,

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