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’Ma’am, is this your chicken?’ Another Texas clucker flew the coop, this time to Jiffy Lube

Chicken caught running around bat at Jiffy Lube after hitching ride with neighbor

Maggie Fowler (the chicken) hitched a ride to Jiffy Lube in Pearland. (KSAT)

PEARLAND, Texas – It seems Texas chickens are feeling cooped up because they keep hitching rides to run errands with unsuspecting people.

First, it was a chicken named Reba who went to a San Antonio Costco via an unknowing delivery driver’s trunk, and now it’s a chicken named Maggie, who took a trip to a Pearland Jiffy Lube.

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Tiffany Travis, who lives in Pearland, reached out to KSAT after seeing Reba’s story and said her neighbor’s chicken, Maggie, took an accidental trip with her to Jiffy Lube on Wednesday.

Travis said she and her son Dalton were returning her neighbor’s dog, along with her crate, when Maggie jumped into Travis’s truck. “Jury is still out if she flew into bed or wheel well. Forensic Ring evidence is hazy,” Travis quipped.

Have you seen this chicken? Reba took an accidental field trip to San Antonio Costco

Nobody noticed Maggie stowed away when Travis and her family left their neighbors house and went to get an oil change three miles down the road at a local Jiffy Lube.

“My kids and I were in my husband’s truck, masked up COVID-style,” said Travis. “When we were leaving the bay, because I was still in driver seat the entire time, we handed the staff my credit card through a cracked window and heard a commotion.”

Travis said a Jiffy Lube employee caught Maggie running around the bay as the family was leaving and asked, “Ma’am, is this your chicken? It just fell out of your truck.”

“At first I was very confused,” Travis said. “Then it dawned on me. Yes, yes that is my chicken.”

She realized one of her neighbor’s chickens had somehow hitched a ride. “The JiffyLube staff [was] already cracking up. They all got out their phones and took pictures.”

“The entire experience was like a scripted sitcom and brought much-needed humor to what has been a rough few months for our family and well, humanity. We all could use some laughter right about now. Thank God for funny chickens,” Travis said.

The best news, perhaps, is that Maggie was left mostly unharmed after her voyage. “She was missing a few feathers and was in shock when we took her home. Glad to report she is perfectly fine and resting well,” said Travis. “She does have a great story to tell her sister hens.”

Maggie’s owner, Lauren Fowler, said in a Facebook post that “the rooster has been trying to get after her and she’s been avoiding him so I feel like this was her escape from reality.”