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More Black Friday, Cyber Monday shoppers using curbside pick-up in midst of COVID-pandemic

San Antonio e-commerce company Searchspring helps to explain what it means

SAN ANTONIO – In the midst of this pandemic, there are new trends when it comes to shopping and these trends have come to light during the record-breaking days of Black Friday, Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday.

KSAT12 checked with the San Antonio e-commerce software company Searchspring to breakdown the numbers and explain what it means for small businesses.

“We make sure that you’re seeing the product you’re most likely to buy every time, it increases revenue for our retailers, and better products for shoppers,” JoAnn Martin, vice president of Marketing for Searchspring said.

According to Searchspring’s findings, consumers spent $1 million every minute on Black Friday and spent $1 billion on Cyber Monday.

“This year alone, we’ve seen over 30 billion dollars in sales assisted through the Searchspring platform,” Martin said.

Looking at the data, there were some fascinating trends.

“One of the more interesting things to me has been the buy online pick up curbside trend. So we saw that increased by over 60% this year. And of course, that’s probably a result of people wanting the convenience of picking up locally. They get their products really quickly, take them home and wrap them for their kids, but they get the safety of shopping from their living room and shopping online,” Martin said.

And let’s not forget Small Business Saturday.

“That’s been one of the cool things for me to see is small businesses on Friday leading into shops small Saturday really saw 545% increase in sales compared to an average shopping day. And then going into Saturday, you saw almost $5 billion spent on small businesses online alone. So you’re really seeing people in the community wanting to rally together, support their local businesses, even if that means doing so online,” Martin said.

This pandemic has hurt a lot of local small businesses, so there are ways to use this information to your advantage.

“I would say get your business online, listen to some of these trends. So you’re going to have to adapt some of your merchandizing strategies going into holiday seasons, pair some of these really high selling categories that evolve around home, comfort the whole pandemic trends,” Martin said.

If you are more interested in learning about Searchspring, you can click here.

About the Authors
Max Massey headshot

Max Massey is the GMSA weekend anchor and a general assignments reporter. Max has been live at some of the biggest national stories out of Texas in recent years, including the Sutherland Springs shooting, Hurricane Harvey and the manhunt for the Austin bomber. Outside of work, Max follows politics and sports, especially Penn State, his alma mater.

Misael Gomez headshot

Misael started at KSAT-TV as a photojournalist in 1987.
