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30 items KSAT viewers haven’t been able to find in San Antonio during the pandemic

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Grocery Store (KSAT 2020)

SAN ANTONIO – Lysol, toilet paper, workout equipment, certain grocery items and office equipment.

Those are just a few of the items that came up when we polled our social media followers on what they haven’t been able to find around town because of the coronavirus and economic slowdown.

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We’ve pulled together a list of 30 of the comments that caught our attention from viewers on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Follow our platforms to have your voice heard on future polls.

But the conversation doesn’t stop here. We want you to tell us if we missed something in the comment section below. Create a free account here to join in.

Lysol wipes or anything from the brand ..... did these people who hoarded everything ever even clean there house ever

veronica_castelan on Instagram

I can’t find an inflatable pool anywhere! Academy been sold out for months!

EmeraldQueenYT on Twitter

Whataburger picante sauce at H‑E‑B 🙄

oriortiz13 on Instagram

Wet one’s hand wipes of any kind and any type container. I bought these all the time before pandemic, because I was one of those people who before this would board a plane and wipe everything down. These were just always in my vehicles always.

Sheila Burkowski on Facebook

Lysol!! I have not see Lysol in months!!!

jande1989 on Instagram

Weights/certain exercise equipment

smilesmiranda117 on Instagram

A chrome book - because everyone needs them for their kids learning from home. (Okay,we did find one online but are still waiting for it to ship.)

Lydia Harris on Facebook

Lysol Antibacterial Spray in the yellow bottle!

Craig Gundlach on Twitter

I’ve actually been looking for a rolling backpack for my daughter. With virtual learning and her going to a caregiver while my husband and I work, her backpack is extremely heavy for her. It’s heavy for me. My alternative is her just carrying more lighter bags... I found them online but I cannot justify to myself $60 including shipping for a back pack that she may not even needs as the year goes on...

Christina Martinez on Facebook

A bicycle

browchicabrow on Instagram

A man 🤣🤣 no seriously

Pandemic loving at social distance ain’t easy

Tessa Stuart on Facebook

Red Baron frozen bacon and egg breakfast pizza

Cheesy Spice on Twitter

Maruchan ramen! 🍜 ... top ramen & koyo can’t compare!

rilee_moser on Instagram

BIG RED ZERO is almost impossible to find.

Lisa Cruz on Facebook

35lb-50lbs dumbbells

Mark H on Twitter

Rubbing alcohol I need to clean my rigs

Brian Perez on Facebook

Yes Rubbing Alcohol and Clorox wipes

SkippyLouMyDarling on Twitter

Refrigerator on back order until the end of September. At least the reasonable priced units

Kathy Goolsby on Facebook

Cherry Coke Zero 😩

magenskye on Instagram

Clorox wipes I hate all the generic ones 🙄

Misty Scherer on Facebook

Lime shrimp Ramen noodle. I can find every other flavor but that one.

Claudia Ramos on Facebook

Disinfecting spray, alcohol, freezer, and my favorite familiar size package of toilet paper, but I am grateful because we are okay.

mayeladevillarreal on Instagram

Clorox wipes, Lysol spray, Swimming pools (not counting LetGo listings 5x Price), Umbrella stands

Marie S on Twitter

A 🚲 🚵‍♀️ bike , apparently people became runners and bikers during pandemic 😂

Eladraoui E Ana on Facebook

Bullets, and I dont say it to be dark but honestly I used to go to range weekly but cant find ammo anywhere and if u do its 5x the cost it should be

nfarrell5085 on Instagram

Lots of stuff: Lysol wipes, gym equipment, bikes, desks and now sofas/ furniture

Jessica Garcia on Twitter

For a while there were ZERO freezers anywhere! Finally got one after 6 weeks of backorder!

Doc Linehan on Facebook

Lysol Spray. Before the pandemic I use to buy a 4 pack at Costco like every 3 months. I haven’t been able to get any since March

Janie on Twitter

Almond Breeze Coffee Creamer 😫

Amy Castro Chacon on Facebook


Mike Cullers Sr on Facebook

About the Author
Andrew Wilson headshot

Andrew Wilson is a digital journalist and social media producer at KSAT.
