SAN ANTONIO – The City of San Antonio and the Texas Department of Transportation are asking the public to weigh in on a project to fix a traffic trouble spot with the construction of a bridge on the South Side near the train tracks by South Zarzamora and Frio City Road.
Currently, the train causes traffic delays affecting over 150 cars during peak hours, according to city officials with Public Works.
David McBeth, a Public Works engineer, said the project is expected to break ground in 2025.
The city and TxDOT are asking for feedback online through July 22 on five alternative crossway options.
In the meantime, federal environmental requirements need to be met, and the bidding process needs to be completed. McBeth said properties impacted by construction will be notified about relocation information by late 2023 or early 2024.
Maria Velasquez lives next to the train tracks near South Zarzamora and Frio City Road. Her property is one of several likely to be impacted by the construction.
Velasquez said the city contacted her several years ago, and she has grown frustrated by the lack of updates.
“The waiting has been horrible. There’s a lot. And when I have talked to them, I have told them I am elderly. I am sick. I need to know something,” Velazquez said.
To submit your feedback, click here.