
$300 million in funding available for San Antonio transportation projects

Public will have a chance to provide input to Alamo Area MPO in June

SAN ANTONIO – We’re expecting to hear more Wednesday about President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan, which will likely include proposed investments in building new roads and bridges.

But some San Antonio transportation projects won’t have to wait to get a funding boost. The Alamo Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (AAMPO) is in the middle of a Call for Projects to distribute $300 million in federal funding already on the books. AAMPO is taking applications from government and transportation agencies through Thursday, April 1.

“We’re expecting to get dozens of submissions for all sorts of transportation projects that can be small or micro like connecting sidewalks to larger things like building complete streets or expanding our highway system, improving public transit options and even upgrading roadway technology,” said Allison Blazosky, program manager for AAMPO.

The funding comes from three different federal programs, including those aimed at reducing congestion and air pollution. After the projects are submitted, AAMPO staff will score the proposed projects based on how likely they are to achieve those priorities.

Projects funded in the past don’t just include construction work. They also include the expansion of the Texas Department of Transportation’s HERO program to San Antonio, Blazoksy said. The program helps stranded motorists with services like a jump-start or adding gasoline and water to vehicles.

After the projects are scored, the public will have a chance to weigh in before AAMPO’s Transportation Policy Board adopts the final lists of projects.

“We use the input to understand the community’s priorities, and it’s always been and will continue to be a primary factor in project selection,” Blazoksy said.

Public meetings are currently scheduled for June 2021, and the board is set to make its final decisions in August.

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About the Author

Samuel King anchors traffic during GMSA and reports on transportation and mobility issues across the San Antonio region. He joined the KSAT 12 news team in 2020 from KUT in Austin. Samuel was born in Queens, spent time growing up in South Alabama and graduated from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University.

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