
Sale of fireworks is legal in Texas for the next 10 days

Sparklers can reach 2,000° F which is hotter than a blow torch

BEXAR COUNTY, Texas – It’s almost time for Independence Day and that means the retail sale of fireworks has officially reopened in Texas.

The sale of fireworks is illegal inside San Antonio city limits but it’s allowed in other areas of Bexar County. It’s also illegal to use fireworks within the city limits of San Antonio.

The purchase of fireworks will be allowed from June 24 through midnight on July 4.

It’s important to know the laws and use best practices when handling fireworks.

The American Burn Association warns families not to alter, modify or relight fireworks and not to allow children to pick up what may appear to be spent fireworks as some might still be active.

Sparklers can reach 2,000° F which is hotter than a blow torch, according to the ABA.

According to the Bexar County Fire Marshall, fire professionals and law enforcement can charge a person with arson if they recklessly cause a fire that damages a structure or other property such as a motor vehicle. Penalties for violation of this law can result in fines up to $10,000 and incarceration.

If you or someone you know does suffer a firework burn, the ABA suggests:

  • Cooling the burn with cool (not cold) water to stop the burning process
  • Removing all clothing and jewelry from the injured area
  • Covering the area with a dry clean sheet or loose bandages
  • Seek medical attention if necessary


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