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Port San Antonio to host international cyber summit in October

DeLorean CEO one of the anticipated speakers

SAN ANTONIO – You may remember it as the “Back to the Future” car, but DeLorean is now having a rebirth as an electric car maker and it is one of several advancing technology companies.

Port San Antonio is hosting the International Cyber Security Future Summit in October and DeLorean’s CEO will be in the spotlight.

“This is hidden gem in the southwest of Texas that people just don’t realize exists... two million people, (with a) long (history in) automotive and a fantastic environment for business,” Joost de Vries, the DeLorean CEO said.

de Vries recognizes the talent, opportunity and tech hub that is Port San Antonio.

“The cyber-security summit for us is very important, if you look at the electric vehicles and the connectivity need that we have, cars are online at real time all the time and the amount of data transacting between the vehicle, the consumer and ourselves is just massive,” de Vries said.

Over a thousand leading experts from around the world will come together in the Alamo City for the summit.

“International security professionals across multiple industries including transportation, biotech, sciences, defense both domestically and international, policy leaders,” Marcel Johnson, senior vice president of talent and technology scouting & identification of Port San Antonio said.

The tech industry in San Antonio is putting the world on notice of all the work being done.

“It’s another opportunity for us to further our reputation for cyber operations, cyber security and for talent development,” Johnson said.

“We are among the best in the nation, we are bringing in professionals from outside the community, and seeing how we are connecting these audiences: the government, industry, academia, right here on this campus is noteworthy,” Johnson said.

And as for DeLorean, well, the trip back to the future isn’t far away.

“September 30 we’re going to open up and sell reservations to our production as an NFT... and then NFT will have an avatar and you can start playing with your avatar well before you have your car,” de Vries said.

For more information on the DeLorean and the reservation process, click here.

About the Author
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Max Massey is the GMSA weekend anchor and a general assignments reporter. Max has been live at some of the biggest national stories out of Texas in recent years, including the Sutherland Springs shooting, Hurricane Harvey and the manhunt for the Austin bomber. Outside of work, Max follows politics and sports, especially Penn State, his alma mater.
