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Frio County Judge weighs in on water concerns for Derby

No relief or water in sight for Derby residents; community is going on month and counting without running water

DERBY, Texas – Derby residents have had its water cut off since August 6 and more than a month later they’re still without water. The water provider, Derby ING, says they do not have a timeline for when water will be restored.

“They need to get something done, because this isn’t right,” Angela Perez, a Derby resident said.

Perez and others say they’re dealing with two problems. For one, they don’t know when running water will be back and two, they have had trouble getting water donated to them.

After KSAT’s initial story last week, Good Samaritans and Frio County officials dropped off more bottled water and residents say they are appreciative of the donations. They say Friday’s delivery of water however, was the county’s first in several weeks.

“They did drop some off at the church, but who knows how long it’s going to last. I mean water goes by fast,” Perez said.

Frio County Judge Luna said it is complicated trying to help Derby, because they have a private water provider. He said they already hit their budget for delivering tanks of water. The water is supposed to be for utilities only and as for bottled water to drink, he said they can still provide that.

KSAT12 asked the judge about bottled water deliveries to Derby, noting that “we were told that water was only provided for the first 2 weeks.”

The Judge responded with: “that could be”.

And “What happened after the first 2 weeks?”

Judge: “That I couldn’t tell you”.

Judge Luna said if residents run out of water all they have to do is call the county and more will be delivered.

KSAT12 has reached out to the Texas Center of Environmental Quality and the Texas Water Development Board. TCEQ said they have investigated Derby ING and have issued a notice of enforcement for its violation of the state administrative code. KSAT12 has not heard back if that notice comes with consequences.

Meanwhile, Both TCEQ and TWDB say they’re working with Derby ING to expedite repairs.

But for Derby Residents struggling to survive, they see no end in sight.

“I feel like I should start looking for another place to live,” Perez said.

About the Author
John Paul Barajas headshot

John Paul Barajas is a reporter at KSAT 12. Previously, he worked at KRGV 5 in the Rio Grande Valley. He has a degree from the University of Houston. In his free time, he likes to get a workout in, spend time on the water and check out good eats and drinks.
