
Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation shares first look of new elementary school, including memorial for Robb victims

The district’s newest school is expected to stand tall for decades to come

UVALDE, Texas – The Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation shared its first virtual fly-through of its new elementary school that is set to break ground this summer.

On Tuesday, the foundation presented a video to the community showing what UCSID’s newest school will look like when it is completed in the 2024-2025 school year.

A committee of school officials, parents, law enforcement, and community and business members worked together to design the school with the architecture firm Huckabee.

Tim Miller, executive director of the foundation, said they put great care into ensuring the new school meets safety and security standards and a trauma-informed design.

“The design of the school -- making sure that there’s plenty of natural light, the colors are calming, they bring in the outside world into the campus,” said Miller.

The new school will be built near Uvalde CISD’s Dalton Elementary and is expected to house students from 2nd to 4th grade, just as Robb Elementary did.

The Robb Elementary shooting victims are remembered in the proposed design with a tree.

Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation said the tree rendering includes two large branches representing the two teachers who lost their lives and 19 smaller branches representing the children.

Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation tree rendering honoring victims of Robb Elementary mass shooting. (Uvalde CISD Moving Forward)

FULL VIDEO: Uvalde CISD Moving Forward Foundation shares fly through of new elementary school

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