You can now get alcohol delivered with your food when you order from Texas restaurants, Gov. Abbott says

Alcoholic beverage. (Pixabay)

You can now order alcohol to be delivered with your food when you order from Texas restaurants, according to a new waiver from Gov. Greg Abbott.

“Restaurants in Texas can now deliver alcoholic beverages with food purchases to customers,” Abbott tweeted Wednesday night. “In response to #coronavirus I waived some regulations that hindered that.”

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As long as you also buy food, you can order beer, wine or mixed drinks from restaurants with mixed beverage permits.

“The Governor also directed the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) to waive certain provisions to allow manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of alcoholic beverages to repurchase or sell back unopened product,” officials wrote in a press release.

The waivers aim to ease the burden caused to restaurant-owners as a result of coronavirus-related closures.

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