Video shows ‘at least 50′ snakes slithering around in San Antonio pond

Expert says the snakes are ‘not venomous, but they’re very aggressive’

SAN ANTONIO – There’s been an abundance of critter stories in recent weeks from murder hornets to swarming bees and now there’s a puddle full of snakes.

Tanya Ansualda was on a bike ride with a friend on Wednesday when the pair happened upon the snake puddle.

“We counted at least 50 that we could see,” said Ansualda who shared the videos with KSAT.

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She posted a video to Facebook of the serpents and said based on what people were commenting that she thought the snakes might be garter snakes or water moccasins.

KSAT reached out to local herpetologist Brenda Posey who said the pond was full of baby water snakes, not water moccasins.

“They’re not venomous but they’re very aggressive, so don’t pick them up,” said Posey. “Just leave them there because, with baby water snakes, it’s not uncommon for them to all swim around together - so no worries."

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Ansualda said the snake puddle was near the boardwalk along Salado Creek. KSAT is keeping the exact location private for the safety of the reptiles.

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