Boy, 11, told school staff that man offered him money for sex, San Antonio police say

Records: Man charged on a charge of prostitution-person solicited

Juan Carlos Castillo Reyes, 34, was arrested Thursday on a charge of prostitution-person solicited, online records with the Bexar County Jail show. Image: Bexar County Jail (KSAT)

SAN ANTONIO – A man is accused of inappropriately touching an 11-year-old boy and offering him money to perform a sex act, according to the San Antonio Police Department.

Juan Carlos Castillo Reyes, 34, was arrested Thursday on a charge of prostitution-person solicited, online records with the Bexar County Jail show.

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An arrest affidavit states the boy made an outcry of sexual abuse at his school on Sept. 22. He told police the man inappropriately touched him and offered him money for a sex act on multiple occasions.

When the boy refused, police said, Reyes increased the amount of the offering.

Investigators interviewed Reyes on Thursday when he admitted to offering the boy money in exchange for sex, the affidavit states.

He was booked on a $30,000 bond, records show.

About the Author

Rebecca Salinas is an award-winning digital journalist who joined KSAT in 2019. She reports on a variety of topics for KSAT 12 News.

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