San Antonio officials denounce recent antisemitic material and protests

Antisemitic fliers were left at Northside neighborhoods

San Antonio – San Antonio Police are investigating after antisemitic fliers were left in the driveways of residents living in Northside communities.

San Antonio resident Catherine S. found fliers in her neighborhood and was shocked by the message it contained.

“I picked one up and opened it, and inside I found these disgusting antisemitic fliers full of propaganda and disgusting things about Jewish people,” Catherine said.

The leader of a local Jewish community organization said this is just the latest in a series of incidents and believes there are different reasons as to why this is happening now.

“We believe this group has come from out of town to share their hatred, to share their message, and it’s an unfortunate scene to have in San Antonio,” said NammieIchilov, President and CEO of the Jewish Federation of San Antonio.

Ichilov said they are working with federal and local law enforcement about these incidents.

“If it’s the same group, you know, or the same individuals, they demonstrated near the Jewish Community Center in Austin, Shalom Austin, and they were using World War II symbols and phrases. And just trying to instigate the Jewish community,” Ichilov said.

A group held a protest outside the Jewish Federation of San Antonio facility and San Antonio Police were present.

“I think that we’re living through a difficult time in the United States. I think people are feeling very polarized and feeling very threatened and Jews, unfortunately, are the recipients of much of that angst. We also have in a few weeks, November 9th is the night of Kristallnacht, which was the first event of World War II, that kicked off the events of World War II. And so sometimes leading up to that evening, there’s a lot more rhetoric, there are a lot more issues going on,” Ichilov said.

Other local leaders denounced the distribution of the antisemitic flyers.

“We are aware of the antisemitic material distributed this Sunday and protests at both Cornerstone Church and the Jewish Community Center earlier today. The ignorant, hate-filled messages and protesters are likely the same small group of people. Chief McManus has informed me SAPD was observing the group to ensure there was no breach of peace,” District 9 Councilman John Courage said in a statement. “San Antonio is a compassionate multicultural community that is welcoming of all faiths and peoples. However, we have zero tolerance for radical individuals seeking to sow hate and incite violence. These professional out-of-town agitators are hiding behind the first amendment to bring fear to our Jewish community. I want our Jewish neighbors to know we stand with them but refuse to give these anti-Semites any more media attention. They are not welcome here.”

In a statement from District 8 Councilman Manny Pelaez, he condemned the actions that took place.

“My San Antonio overwhelmingly rejects hatred, bigotry, and racism. Protests like these are nothing but sleazy attempts to dehumanize those whom I call my friends my neighbors. Thankfully, San Antonio knows these bigots are not patriots, and what they are doing is completely unethical and dishonest. I hope my Jewish friends and neighbors know they are loved and that these protestors are not part of our community, nor are they welcome in San Antonio,” Pelaez said.

The FBI San Antonio Division said they are in contact with authorities as they conduct a local investigation.

“We are aware of the incident in San Antonio and are in regular contact with local authorities. If in the course of the local investigation, information comes to light of a potential federal violation, the FBI is prepared to investigate.”

About the Authors

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

Luis Cienfuegos is a photographer at KSAT 12.

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