Some tips to set up the perfect nursery

Set up process can be difficult for new and experienced parents alike

From color schemes to closet storage, there is a lot that goes into designing the perfect nursery.

The setup process can be difficult for both new and experienced parents.

The experts at Ask Angie have a few tips on how to set up the perfect nursery for when a baby comes.

Painting a nursery is a great way to personalize the space for the baby. Some people choose a few key colors and call it a day, but others design with a theme in mind. A few gender-neutral colors are light gray, white or yellow as well as a few brighter colors as accents.

Interior home expert Rachel Zepernick recommends hiring a professional to get the painting job done quickly and correctly.

“If you do choose to hire a pro, make sure you choose a reliable painter - someone with great online reviews, references and examples of their previous work,” Zepernick said.

Zepernick also said lighting is one of the most important aspects of a nursery.

“Natural light can disrupt your baby’s sleep, so you may want to install window treatments, such as blackout curtains or shades, which come in a wide range of colors to match whatever aesthetic you selected for the room,” Zepernick said.

Swapping out your traditional light bulbs for LED bulbs is less harsh on your baby’s eyes. Also, installing dimmers and nightlights can help create a calming bedtime and morning routine.

As babies learn to crawl and stand, they become at risk for knocking over lamps, unsecured furniture and clutter. A lot of the mess in a nursery is from the toys and clothes the child outgrew.

One way Zepernick suggests to stay organized is with a bin system.

“You can label the bins ‘seasonal,’ ‘outgrown,’ ‘donate,’ and ‘keepsake.’ That can help you control the clutter before it becomes a big mess,” Zepernick said.

Zepernick also suggested hiring a professional organizer who can help set up the space, set up the closet and create a process for the room to grow with the child.

“A great organizational system now will ensure your space is clutter-free when the baby arrives,” said Zepernick.

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