Pothole problem continues in San Antonio, but you can help make progress in repairs

Pothole Patrol will also hand out Fiesta medals during the month

SAN ANTONIOPotholes can be nuisance on the roads, however the city of San Antonio hopes to make progress when it comes to repairing them.

The 7th annual Pothole Blitz kicked off Monday morning at the San Antonio Public Theatre. Through out the month of April, the Pothole Patrol will be out in full force in an effort to repair more than 8,000 potholes.

Although the crews remain vigilant, they ask for the community’s help. Officials with the city’s Pubic Works Department urge residents to call the city’s 3-1-1 hotline and report any pothole they may find.

Anthony Chuckwudoule is the deputy director for streets at Public Works. He said potholes create a hazard for drivers and only get worse with time.

“Asphalt cracks with time, and then water seeps through cracks and undermines the base layer. When a car goes over it, it sinks and creates a pothole. We want to to improve our participation from the community and if our residents can report the potholes that they see it will help us increase the number of potholes we repair annually,” Chuckwudoule said.

According to Public Works, when there is hot weather combined with bouts of rain it causes the expansion and contraction of asphalt. It takes approximately 20 minutes to repair a pothole.

Through out the month Pothole Patrol will also hand out Fiesta medals to the public. Locations and dates will be released on their social media pages.

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