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Great Graduates 2022: Dylan Bazan, Southside ISD

Dylan spends free time researching, is going to try to get real estate license

SAN ANTONIO – He’s a science fair winner who built his own car, and a chief in technical design in “Formula 1 in Schools”.

Dylan Bazan is a Great Graduate from Southside ISD who is ready to jump into the career field after graduation.

“Don’t overthink what you do. And if you love what you’re doing and if you’re passionate about it, just go for it,” Bazan said.

Wise words from a top student.

“I really believe anything he wants to do, he. He is very capable of doing and excelling in it,” Selma Marrufo, CTE Teacher said.

One of the goals Dylan has wanted to achieve – build a car – he did so and it won the science fair.

“Aerodynamics. It goes so well with the science fair and the topic and like STEM especially. So I did that and I was able to design my own car like on renderings which is pretty cool. I also had like an engineering class at the time, so I was able to work on it a little bit more, but still it was fun and I was able to design my own car and then I had to fabricate it. I had my uncle he fabricated it. And then when my dad built it, I put it together,” Dylan said.

He is fascinated with science and obviously STEM, and finds his motivation in family.

“In life I think my father, like my parents, I know it sounds probably cliche, but I mean, I see what they do and they know they’ve done so much for me, and I really want to see if I can do something for them and for, like, my future and my family’s future and everything like that. So that’s kind of like my driving force is to do that,” Dylan said.

Dylan spends his free time researching and preparing to pass the necessary exams for his future career as well as helping hands-on with his parents’ business.

“He’s very motivated. It’s almost he’s on self-drive, which is really awesome to see. You can see there’s a foundation there that that keeps him going. And also, at the same time, he has a curiosity and he tries everything,” Marrufo said.

Dylan goes above and beyond for all of his endeavors. After graduation, he hopes to be a top-tier entrepreneur.

“I am going to try to get my real estate license. So I’ve been looking at some videos and doing some things and trying to study and figure out exactly what the requirements are,” Dylan said.

About the Author
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Max Massey is the GMSA weekend anchor and a general assignments reporter. Max has been live at some of the biggest national stories out of Texas in recent years, including the Sutherland Springs shooting, Hurricane Harvey and the manhunt for the Austin bomber. Outside of work, Max follows politics and sports, especially Penn State, his alma mater.
