Video shows alligator swagger down storm water pipe

Five-foot alligator hiding inside a storm water pipe in Florida

OVIEDO, Fla. – “You’ve heard of Snakes on a Plane. How about Gator in a Pipe?”

It’s a lighthearted remark Oviedo, Florida city crews posed after finding a five-foot alligator hiding inside a stormwater pipe on Friday.

Footage from the Oviedo City Government of the alligator was captured by a wheeled robotic camera a stormwater crew was using to investigate the pipe.

“They usually bring the robot out to inspect when there are potential roadway defects to see if any pipes have leaks, cracks, defects, etc.. underground,” city officials said.

The video captured by the crew can be seen in the media player at the top of this article.

It shows the camera traveling down the pipe as two eyes glow in the distance.

“Just another reason not to go wandering down into the Stormwater pipes! Thank goodness our crews have a robot,” officials said.

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