Daughter appointed to fill father’s City Council seat in Floresville

Gerard Jimenez killed in two-vehicle accident

Jade Jimenez (Marissa Ximenez)

FLORESVILLE, Texas – The daughter of a Floresville councilman who was killed last week in a two-vehicle accident in Wilson County will fill her father’s seat.

Jade Jimenez will take over the Place 4 seat for Gerard Jimenez.

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Councilwoman Marissa Ximenez said the appointment was made after a unanimous vote.

Ximenez released the following Facebook post after the appointment:

Today we said our final good byes to Councilman Gerard Jimenez. Although we miss him dearly, his legacy continues. I...

Posted by Marissa Ximenez Floresville City Council Place 1 on Monday, January 13, 2020
