Council members, community stakeholders hold first Committee on Emergency Preparedness meeting

SAN ANTONIO – A committee assembled by Mayor Ron Nirenberg following the weather-related power and water crises last month met for the first time Friday morning.

The members of the Committee on Emergency Preparedness worked on the areas of questioning they planned to pursue - with a focus on SAWS, CPS Energy, and the City of San Antonio’s preparation and conduct during the winter event. However, the group left the full scope of their inquiries open.

Chairman Reed Williams, a former San Antonio City Council and SAWS board member said the committee will work to find out why the weather event was so damaging and identify changes that should be made. However, Williams stressed that the committee does not have any authority to force the utilities or other entities to make any of those changes.

Williams also noted the public’s desire for answers and said the committee would post answers online as it gets them rather than waiting to compile a polished, final report.

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