Schertz man sentenced to 14 years in federal prison for sex trafficking of teen

Kraig David Van Winkle, 36, transported a minor from Arkansas to Texas, federal officials say

Kraig David Van Winkle (KHBS/KHOG)

SAN ANTONIO – A 36-year-old Schertz man was sentenced Thursday to 14 years in federal prison for human sex trafficking.

According to court documents, in early January 2020, Kraig David Van Winkle used a social media application to chat with a 13-year-old in Arkansas.

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Several days later, Van Winkle arranged to meet and bring the minor to Texas with the intent to engage in sexual activity, the documents said.

During the trip to Texas, Van Winkle made the minor throw their cellphone in a drainage ditch, federal officials said.

Van Winkle also handcuffed, bound the child with rope and placed tape across the child’s mouth when he left the victim alone in his residence, the documents said.

A few days later, the FBI rescued the child and arrested Van Winkle at his home.

On Oct. 5, 2021, Van Winkle pleaded guilty to one count of transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity.

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About the Author

David Ibañez has been managing editor of since the website's launch in October 2000.

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