Northside ISD bus drivers honor victims of Uvalde elementary school shooting

All who took part in the memorial are bus drivers, bus assistants and their families

SAN ANTONIO – Northside ISD bus drivers gathered to honor and memorialize the victims of the deadly mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

The shooting happened Tuesday after an 18-year-old gunman went inside and opened fire, killing 19 children and two schoolteachers.

On Saturday morning at the Paul Taylor Field House in San Antonio, NISD bus drivers formed a heart outside with their school buses, while many others gathered in a formation to spell out, “Uvalde.”

One bus driver who was at the memorial said a tragedy like this hit close to home.

“School is supposed to be the safest place for our children to go. For something like this to happen inside of a school, for you as a parent thinking you’re leaving your kid in the safest place possible, is horrific,” said bus driver Leroy Montalvo.

All of the people who participated in the memorial are bus drivers, bus assistants and their families.

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