June’s Strawberry supermoon will peak on Tuesday

July will also have a supermoon

The second supermoon of the year will peak on Tuesday.

The full moon in June is known as the Strawberry Moon. Not because it will be pink or red, but because it’s named for strawberry-picking season.

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A supermoon occurs when the full moon coincides with the moon at perigee — meaning its closest proximity to Earth during its elliptical orbit. In contrast, apogee is when the moon is at its farthest from Earth.

Supermoons tend to happen three to four times a year and always appear consecutively, according to NASA.

At its closest, the full moon appears about 17% bigger and 30% brighter compared the faintest moon of the year.

July’s full moon — known as the Buck Moon — will occur on July 13 and will also be a supermoon.

Far rarer than a supermoon, there’s also a five-planet conjunction this month.

Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will line up in their natural order across the morning sky — an event that only occurs about every 20 years.

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About the Author

Julie Moreno has worked in local television news for more than 25 years. She came to KSAT as a news producer in 2000. After producing thousands of newscasts, she transitioned to the digital team in 2015. She writes on a wide variety of topics from breaking news to trending stories and manages KSAT’s daily digital content strategy.

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