Soldiers’ Angels hopes to collect 20,000 pounds of items for care packages

Collected items will be shipped until June 30

SAN ANTONIO – The local nonprofit organization Soldiers’ Angels hopes to collect 20,000 pounds of items for care packages to send to U.S. service members that are presently deployed.

“Our goal this year is to have a military vehicle come and fill the military vehicle at the end of the campaign with 20,000 pounds of items,” Amy Palmer, president and CEO of Soldiers’ Angels said.

The organization recently kicked off its annual “Go Camo Care Packages Collection” Drive.

“The popular items are of course Slim Jims, at the top of the list. Any type of beef jerky products. Trailmix. On the hygiene items, razors. Both men and women razors,” Palmer said.

You can ship the collected items to Soldiers’ Angels until June 30.

Angela Johnson retired from the U.S. Army in 2015 and remembers receiving care packages.

“You get some of your favorite things. Some of your favorite snacks that you would not get while your deployed. Cards. Letters. I’ve had where my daughter, her class sent little letters and notes,” Johnson said.

Today, Johnson works for Soldiers’ Angels and puts together care packages for deployed service members.

“Working here at Soldiers Angels is just a dream that I always wanted to do. Make someone’s life a little happier,” Johnson said.

For more information, click here.

About the Authors

Tiffany Huertas is a reporter for KSAT 12 known for her in-depth storytelling and her involvement with the community.

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