Thieves halt nonprofit’s plans to honor fallen first responders after breaking into truck

The nonprofit’s founder says the job will get finished despite setback

SAN ANTONIO – The nonprofit Saving a Hero’s Place honors fallen first responders and is in town to do just that for the San Antonio Police Department. Instead, SAPD is now helping the organization because its work truck with supplies was broken into.

“It’s anger and then just heartbroken because, you know, now this is going to take some time,” said Tommy Capell, founder of Saving a Hero’s Place.

The nonprofit made it to San Antonio Thursday night to make honor chairs for two fallen SAPD police officers. However, the truck had to go to the shop after being broken into.

“How vital is this truck to your operation, and what will you all do?” asked KSAT’s John Paul Barajas.

“It’s extremely vital. It’s the only way to get the trailer where we’re going,” said Capell. “It’s a fairly heavy trailer, so that’s why we have this truck.”

Capell hoped to build two honor chairs next weekend for San Antonio Police Officer Joseph Cisneros, who died in 2021 due to COVID-19, and Officer David Evans, who was shot multiple times in 2003 and died due to complications with his injury in 2022.

“You sit in the same seat every roll call. It’s a superstitious thing. Like, you made it through your last shift, so now you have to sit in that same seat,” said Capell. “We hope that we can replace that empty seat with a customized chair that has their name and badge and everything on it.”

Capell said he isn’t sure how long this will set them back but says the job will get finished.

About the Authors

John Paul Barajas is a reporter at KSAT 12. Previously, he worked at KRGV 5 in the Rio Grande Valley. He has a degree from the University of Houston. In his free time, he likes to get a workout in, spend time on the water and check out good eats and drinks.

Luis Cienfuegos is a photographer at KSAT 12.

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