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Democrat Matthew Dowd drops out of Texas lieutenant governor race

Matthew Dowd

WIMBERLEY, Texas – A former political advisor to Republican President George W. Bush withdrew Tuesday from the race for next year’s Democratic nomination for Texas lieutenant governor.

In a statement Tuesday, Matthew Dowd said he was ending his candidacy because he saw a growing diversity in candidates for the office, and he didn’t want to stand in the way of new diverse leadership.

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His withdrawal comes three weeks after state Rep. Michelle Beckley entered the Democratic field.

In his statement, Dowd said Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, the two-term incumbent, “has failed our state and harmed Texans. He seeks to undermine important rights of our fellow citizens and must be defeated. I will do whatever I can to accomplish that end now as a Texan not running for office.”

Also seeking the Democratic nomination for the state’s No. 2 office is Mike Collier, whom Patrick defeated in the 2018 general election. Patrick remains the lone candidate for next year’s GOP nomination.
