Disney Animation: Immersive Experience brings the magic and wonder of films like Encanto, Frozen, and Peter Pan to life. And now you have a chance to witness it yourself. See the sweepstake entry form below.
This unique experience takes you inside the greatest films of Walt Disney Animation Studios. Whether it’s being at Pride Rock as Rafiki presents Simba or stepping into the Casita with Mirabel from Encanto, you become a part of the story.
This sweepstake is free to enter and exclusively for members of KSAT Insider. Visit the Lighthouse Immersive website for additional event information.
Sweepstake Entry Form
The entry period runs from Friday, March 10 at 9 a.m. - Friday, March 24 at 11:59 p.m. A total of 13 winners will be randomly selected to get either a pack of VIP or Premium Plus tickets. See the full sweepstake rules here.
Not seeing the sweepstake entry form below? Open the article in a new tab by clicking here or email insiders@ksat.com for help.