Transgender tech sergeant worries new policy deters new recruits

SAN ANTONIO – Civilian James Hash enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 2011. Now Tech. Sgt. Jamie Hash, a manpower analyst at Joint Base San Antonio-Randolph, she said she won’t be affected by the new transgender policy announced by the U.S. Department of Defense, at least not directly.

Hash said even so, those like her “may be more scrutinized heavily by various leadership positions” when it comes to promotions and job opportunities. 

Hash, who made her transition when the transgender ban was lifted in 2016, said she is exempt from the new requirements that kick in April 12.

Hash said the policy will affect transgender troops and recruits who want to transition but have not been diagnosed with gender dysphoria within the next 30 days.

“They’re going to be unable to start the process,” Hash said.

She said they also would not be able to serve “authentically” as the gender they identify with, but as their biological sex.

Hash said she believes the new policy could deter new military recruits at a time of unrest in much of the world.

Since she joined the Air Force, Hash said, she’s been regularly promoted, named noncommissioned officer of the year, nominated for airman of the year and was named military volunteer of the year.

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“We’re just going to have to keep proving that trans people are capable of serving and doing the best that we can to accomplish the mission,” Hash said.

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