Family left picking up pieces after erratic driver crashes into their mobile home

12 people hospitalized after driver crashes into several vehicles

SAN ANTONIO – A family on the Southwest Side is now homeless after an erratic driver went on a collision course, which involved multiple-vehicles and ended at their mobile home.

The family is left picking up the pieces and salvaging what they can.

“This house is not livable,” said Carlos Torres, who lived in the home.

After the driver of a pickup crashed into 10 vehicles, sending a dozen people to the hospital around 3 p.m. Tuesday, the ordeal ended when the driver careened into the mobile home on Southwest Military Drive and Bynum Avenue.

 “The whole trailer shifted. You can see a hole right through the floor,” said Steven Alcado.

Alcado had lived in the mobile home for a year and a half with his wife, daughter and son-in-law. Before the crash, he and his wife were babysitting their two grandchildren.

Alcado then went to buy groceries across the street.

“If I had been 30 seconds, 45 seconds coming through that area, I probably would've gotten hit, because that’s where I crossed the street,” he said.

Alcado said his 50-inch television was thrown onto his 5-year-old grandson, who managed to escape injury. His wife, Lisa, who was inside rocking their 3-year-old, was thrown about 11 feet. She managed to shield and protect the toddler. On Wednesday, she felt pain and was hospitalized.

After being treated for some bruises and pain to her back and legs, Lisa Alcado is expected to be OK, but the family is not so sure about the future of their home.

"You can feel everywhere. The ground is unstable," Torres said.

The family tried to salvage what they could Wednesday but said they didn't have very much to begin with.

"Things I worked hard for, over a year to get things for us to make it feel like a home, is gone in an instant," Torres said.

The family has set up a GoFundMe account to help get back on their feet.


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