Central Catholic High School JROTC earns top honors at national contest

Corps of Cadets teams score best exhibition drill team, best all-around Army color guard and drill team at National High School Championships

The Corps of Cadets from Central Catholic High School sent three teams to compete on the National Stage at Daytona Florida this past weekend and came away with best exhibition drill team in the nation and the best all-around color guard and drill team in the Army in the National High School Championships. (Copyright 2022 by KSAT - All rights reserved.)

SAN ANTONIO – The Corps of Cadets from Central Catholic High School sent three teams to compete on the National Stage at Daytona Florida this past weekend and came away national champions in several categories.

CCHS teams competed in three different tournaments and here’s how they placed:

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The Army Drill Team Championships

  • 1st Place Overall (Best Drill Team in the Army)
  • 1st Place Color Guard (Best Color Guard in the Army)
  • 2nd place Regulation
  • 2nd place Drill Team Duo (cadet Estes and Cadet Guzman)

The Nationals JROTC Fitness Championships

  • 4th Best Physical Fitness team in the Army
  • 4th place 3K Team run

The All Service (Army, Navy, Air force, and Marines) Drill Team Championships

  • 1st place Exhibition
  • 2nd place Inspection
  • 3rd place Overall

Congrats to all who competed!

About the Author

David Ibañez has been managing editor of KSAT.com since the website's launch in October 2000.

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