Microsoft unveils new Xbox One X video game console

New system releases on Nov. 7, will cost $499

SAN ANTONIO – Microsoft unveiled its newest video game console the Xbox One X on Sunday, calling it the "most powerful console ever."

The new gaming system has a processor with 8 2.3GHz cores, 12GB of memory, and will run games with frame rates in 4K ultra HD resolution.

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Microsoft said all the same games will be playable on Xbox One and Xbox One X and that all the accessories for the Xbox One, along with some older Xbox 360 and original Xbox titles, will also be compatible with the Xbox One X. Older games will receive performance enhancements on the new system.

The new system will cost $499, just like the original price of the Xbox One back in 2014. The cost however will still be more than the price of Sony's Playstation 4.

The Xbox One X, will be available starting on Nov. 7 just in time for the holidays.

You can view the trailer below or by clicking here.


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About the Author

Ben Spicer is a digital journalist who works the early morning shift for KSAT.

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